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PROGETTO FOTORAMA Saff 04 festival video.


Progetto aperto che tende a unire formazione e creatività , utilizzando come base tecnologia e creatività digitale.


per la produzione di un cortometraggio digitale a tecnica mista a base fotografica
progetto di saul saguatti per basmati

Gia' realizzato a :

Saff 04 festival video.
Università di Siracusa – corso conservazione beni ambientali.
Osservatorio urbano- galleria Lungomare – provincia di Bolzano.
Astuto d’arte statale Isernia .
“Made in Belsunce” festival Marsiglia, Francia
“Festival dei Debutti“, a Parma per la direzione di G. Bertolucci

6 lavori per 10’ di media ciascuno

Vista la larga diffusione di tecnologie digitali quali macchine fotografiche digitali, videocamere, registratori audio e computer e la conoscenza sommaria delle potenzialità creative di questi strumenti si e ideato il seguente corso di formazione.

Unire didattica e creativita', creando un corso formativo per non specializzati semplice e replicabile nelle esperienze quotidiane che offra inoltre un’opportunità di riscoperta creativa del proprio territorio.


Our goal is to produce a workshop about animation +digital photography + digital audio + artistic audio video documentation. The final result will be an art work that can be used as a audio video installation and a live media. Normal consumer technologies will be used such as a small digital photo camera, a minidisk recorder and a normal computer.

The students will participate in a course where they will be taught how to look in a dream like way at the territory and its sounds, making an emotional portrait of the colours, the animals, plants, surfices, the people and monuments. The soul of the territory will be rap presented.
The workshop is fom 4 to 15 days long and is for cultural associations, but also schools, or art gallery.

There must be from a minimum of 7 to a maximum of 15 participants, not professional, for an concrete application of a theory of lesson.

The intent is to combine teaching and experimentation using consumer technologies.
Dream like documentaries will be created that will report the spirit or the soul of a place or an event rather than create a classic documentation of it.
Photography is an infinite universe of expressions. With digital photography more possibilities are available: you can store an amasing quantity of pictures in a really short time with extreamly low costs. This new technology seems to be perfect for the work style of animation.
Digital photographic animation is like the audio sampling: for years digital audio has developed a new way of treating sounds that has also affected commercial tastes. To apply this same philosophy to video and digital edit, obtaining high quality standards, to experiment the “house” way of digital images, to finally give expressive autonomy to video production are the goals of the course.


Pour la production d’un laboratoire afin de rèaliser des cours mètrages d’ animations a base photographique.
L’objectif est d’ unire une didactique et des expèrimentations en utilisant la technologie numèrique.
C’est ègalement une rencontre de trois disciplines: documentaire, animation,musique
Un voyage itinèrant, retrassant dans son mouvement, des diversitès (humaines, naturelles, culturelles). et rèalitès spècifiques de diverses règions, villes, pays.
S’adaptant aux diffèrentes règions ou il est rèalisè
Ce projet nÈcessite donc, la collaboration de personnes locales, expèrimentès ou non, souhaitant participer au projet ou simplement expèrimenter diverses disciplines. L’ intèrÍt du projet et qu’il en devient une expèrience didactique ou chacun devient un auteur indèpendent et complet et apporte sa propre vision de l’espace dans lequel il vit.



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